Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Universal Life Church


This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter Announcement. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.

"Doing That Which is Right"

Happy Almost-My-Birthday!

I...mean....Happy Father's Day!


What an outstanding and busy month! - June is upon us and I'd like to talk about some of the crazed activities that I've been doing. Did you ever have one of those days-weeks-months when you get an idea to do something (aka. 'a bug up your butt') and you just have to get it done while you have the momentum? That's how my last month or so has been. The results of my efforts are discussed below.


BOOK CONTEST - The second round of the book-writing contest has started and I'd like to ask you all again to vote for me. Some of you already have and I appreciate it tremendously. Time for round 2. If you voted in round 1, you'll likely also get an email from the contest itself, but I'd like to beat them to the punch and ask here. Please follow the link and cast your vote. You'll find a book outline and a sample of Chapter 1 about Setting Spiritual Goals, as well as the video of me that's still posted, pitching the book. When I win the contest, the book will be published by Hampton Roads and will then be made available to the general public.




NEW COURSES - I mentioned these last month, but I thought I'd mention them again. The Master of Astral Projection and the Dr. of Christian Ethics are both underway. Both can be ordered through the church store. We have another course in the works, but I haven't had a chance to get them all formatted yet. Not enough hours in the day.


Master of Astral Projection: http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=210

Dr. of Christian Ethics:



UPDATED SITES - I've been spending some time working on updating some of our satellite sites. www.onlineseminary.org has had a complete makeover. If you want a different way to look through the Seminary Courses, review the course descriptions and look at samples, check out the new look. I also reworked www.ulcseminary.net. This has lots of sermons listed, both from our own sermon blog and from elsewhere on the internet. Also, if you have any sermons you'd like to share, please email them to me and I'll post them on the site and send them out via the sermon emails. I have a new way of keeping updated that will speed everything up, which includes poems, stories, sermons and ceremonies that you'd like to send. Please send me as many of each as you'd like and I'll get them up on the site.


TESTIMONIALS - I'd like to add more video to the website. I have a camera and I'm going to get started adding video sections with blurbs and such to talk about different things. What I would love is to have you all do the same thing, if you would. If you have access to a videocamera of any sort, videotape yourself talking briefly about weddings you've done, any of the books or products that you've used, classes you've taken, the church you started, etc. I'd love to get a montage of these and put them throughout the site. A short .mwv file (2 min. or less) would be great. Something I can play on windows. I'll edit them together into a few clips to post. Cool, huh? It would also be great to put a face/voice with so many of your names.


FORUM - For those of you who have been posting on the forum over the last year or two (or more), but stopped in the last few months, I'd like to welcome you back. There had been a problem with posting due to that dratted upgrade I did on the server 7 or 8 months ago. It was cutting off people's posts. Well, the forum is back in working order and we have a number of additional areas to post in. You can also post your lessons on the forum as well. www.ulcseminary.org/forum.


CANADA - New stuff for Canada. One of our wonderful Canadian Ministers, Denise La Rochelle, has sent me some info for a new way to go about getting accepted in Canada. This is a much shorter route, but there are definitely a bunch of hoops I need to jump through. There are two things I need from you: I need a list of 25 ministers in Ontario who are requesting ordination and acceptance. A pen and ink signed list of 25 names, address, and signatures.


The second thing I need from all Canadian ministers. We're doing Ontario first, but the rest will follow if this works out. What I need is a short essay from you, with your full name and province, letting me know why you were ordained (or want to be), what's your interest in ordination, and what do you plan on doing with it. These essays will be posted on a blog so I can tell them that we have record of everyone who wants to be accepted. In order to be approved by Ontario, you need to have that essay posted. Please send your essays to amy@ulcseminary.org and put CANADA ESSAY in the subject line.


SEMINARY STUDENT LISTING - In a similar vein, I'm going to be re-doing the seminary student listings. When I changed programs a year or so ago, it stopped automatically adding Seminary Students to the website. I was getting a lot of spam too, so that contributed to the decision. Also, when I upgraded my server, a lot of content was lost. Upgrades seldom happen without casualties. To solve this, I would like it if any and all seminary students would please re-send me your information, as you would like it to appear, to amy@ulcseminary.org. Please put SEMINARY STUDENT INFO in the subject line. All of this will be re-done and put into the site. The existing information will be removed, so if you want your listing to appear, you need to send me your bio.



If you are a seminary student and you'd like to have a card stating that you are a student in good standing, we have made them available to you. This one is done on a purple card with black ink, but if you have another preference, you can state that on your order. http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=213.


NEW UPDATING INFO ON SITE - I have found some new ways of keeping the site updated. The poetry page now has a lot more poetry all listed, the announcements page has all of the monthly announcements archived (in case you missed any), the spirit quest course page has a listing of many of the essays from our students, as well as a lot of other pages throughout the site that will have updating information.


Oh, and most importantly, my birthday is June 19th. :) Often, right on, before, or right after Father's Day. That makes my dad happy.


Thanks for everything!


Rev. Amy Long
Program Director

Visit Our Website
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758



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